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  • cian.m.hayes

    Well I’ve been putting this off for long enough, I’m finally getting around to posting some photos. I hope to have more in the comming days. Any comments would be very gratefully received. Follow the flickr links for higher res.

    I think this building is called phoenix house, but I could be wrong. Anyway, I love it’s profile and I wanted to give it a dramatic, imposing look; like a huge ocean liner bearing down on you and you only in a life raft. I’m not sure I got it right, it just doesn’t have the punch I was looking for. Any suggestions?

    Left, bw:
    Right, bw:
    Left, colour:
    Right, colour:
    Also from Smithfield, this is my first time deliberatly trying to create a diptych and I like how it turned out. The only problem I have with it is that it needs a border and I never use borders. I’m not sure why, I just never have and now I’m not really sure the best way to go about it, I’m thinking about a thin black edge and then a 50mm white around on all sides (assuming a 700mm wide image). I also have colour versions but I think the BW is far stronger.


    I really like these shots. Very professional looking. I think you were right to go b/w… the shapes really stand out and that’s what it looks like you went for. Well done. BTW, is this Smithfield in Dublin or London?


    Thanks Joe, it’s smithfield in Dublin. Both shots were within 100 meters of the Luas stop.



    I took another look at the Phoenix House pic, trying to dial up the drama a few notches



    Cian…if you made that shot perfectly straight in PS….would be a bloody great shot!


    Thanks Johnny, I tried last night but I just got frustrated. I was using a guide along the central ridge but because not all the points on the ridge line up perfectly, it just got confusing. I’m going to try again tonight. I think it only needs a very slight adjustment, about 0.5 to 1 degree clockwise.


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