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Some from 22nd

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Some from 22nd

  • miki g

    Well done miki, lovely set as usual! I really like the little copper beetle great colours
    with his red legs and the green of leaf. I didnt realise the wasp was so slim hipped :lol:
    wish I was!

    miki g

    Thanks Jenny.
    The beetle presented a few problems for me. It kept crouching back it’s head anytime I came near & the lighting was awkward because of the highly reflective surface of it’s wings & he was in a shaded area. I eventually sat below him & allowed him to relax before shooting.


    Another nice set Miki. The Beetle and the Ichneumon are great. I would have been inclined myself to leave out the last image, the yellow highlights on the left detract from the image………………/Mikka

    miki g

    Thanks Mikka.
    I only included the bee to ask for ID (but forgot to ask) :oops: He was the smallest bee I’ve ever stumbled upon. At first I thought it was an ant on the flower.

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