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Some from last month.

  • oshead

    A few I took last month. Nude.. but not very explicit… :( Don’t really know if they belong in this forum.


    I like the tones in the top one,
    though I do feel that it needs a crop from the top to work properly-
    Perhaps the lighting might be a little bit contrasty for the pose adopted-

    Not too sure about the other two-
    is the skin oiled in the second?
    perhaps the sharp bend at the knee is producing a form that’s a little bit abrupt-
    perhaps a similar observation could be made in the first…

    Lovely looking model to work with-



    agree with JB – the first one is in a different class to the other two –

    the tones and the mood are much more interesting ( although perhaps a ilttle dark) – and I think the upright pose is more natural and softer that the horizontal version in the second



    Thanks for the comments guys. I consider the first one the best of the three. It was taken with an umbrella closed in on itself and pointed down at her. I’m it sure does need a crop. Maybe off the top and on the right to remove the hand. For the second one the pose was a little uncomfortable for her but I like her expression in it. The knee has an access of oil which we didn’t notice at the time and I should have fixed in PP. The third is the models favourite. I like it too though i’d like the material at her front should be a bit neater.

    Dave OS

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