Well folks, posting a few from a recent trip to the North coast. One night there was a fabulous sunset , not really sure if i caught it. i would really appreciate the advice and guidance of those on here who have considerably more knowledge than me, I’m trying to develop and learn so anything you can recommend will be well received. So with some trepidation, here goes. Appreciate everyone’s time in advance
I’m not one with expert knowledge, but I’ll give you my 5c.
1+2 dont really have anything interesting going on, too much foreground.
Lovely sky in 3, I would prefer if this was taken from nearer the sea, reducing th eamount of rock in the foreground and giving more perspective on the blurred water effect currently obscured by the rock
The horizon is a bit off in the first. I really like the second. I’d suggest cropping it by taking a slice off the right hand side, losing the little bit of headland halfway up or so and I’d clone out the dark object on the horizon near the centre. Then I’d frame it and hang it on the wall. The Ultimate Compliment “Frame-Wall-Hang!”