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some from yesterday

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some from yesterday

  • miki g

    Love the grasshopper, lovely detail in him, and the little toadstool nice red
    cap…I am sure it is a mushroom but memories of children’s story books always
    had red caps as toadstools :) I have been very lazy about photography lately and
    cant remember the last time I had the macro lens on….shame on me :oops:

    miki g

    Thanks Jenny.
    I never knew that there was a difference between mushrooms & toadstools. I just know, if it’s not in a package, you probably shouldn’t eat it. :lol: We all go through stages of laziness when it comes to photography, especially if the weather is dark & overcast. I found the best way to overcome it, is to just go out, even if you leave the camera in the bag & just enjoy the walk itself. It’s a bonus if you do actually take a few shots that you like. :wink:


    Miki, that Grasshopper deserves a to be in a post of its own, its a cracker, detail, lighting, focus all spot on……………/Mikka

    miki g

    Thanks Mikka. I was lucky enough with the grasshopper that it posed in the open long enough for me to shoot.


    Love the grasshopper tried to find one of these all year no luck

    miki g

    Thanks Dessie. Lots of them around here. Look in the low grass beside overgrown grassy areas. You will probably hear them before you see them. :D


    Great set Miki…great clarity and detail in all of them…well done.


    miki g
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