Thanks Pete. They were really putting on a show but most of the time they were too close to the fence so I couldn’t DOF the fencing out. It is pretty thrilling to get a shot like that but then it couldn’t beat this.
This is Fusili and one of her two cubs from the Seronora in the Serengeti. Unfortunately she and the cubs had a bad case of mange which was probably going to be fatal for the cubs.
oooh i really like the first one joe, composition is pretty much spot on to me. Nice and sharp. Great expression.
I wonder what it was thinking :) Very very nice.
Joe first one is super. It has lovely sharp bright colours, eyes are pin sharp and the background thrown out of focus. That little peice of grass in the left foreground is a little distracting, it could be cropped as there’s nothing of interest in the foreground cann’t see the paws n’ claws.