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Some yellow flowers

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Some yellow flowers

  • C&C Welcome, thanks… :)


    I love the glossy sheen.
    What is the difference between the buttercup and the celandine? And what’s a lesser celandine?

    So is that what this is Pixelle? A celandine?
    I was gonna title this Buttercup, but didn’d think it was one – thanks for the info! :wink:


    No-ooo. that is, it might be.

    When I saw your pic I went and googled, and am more puzzled than ever, it could be either. [The leaves are different, I think.]
    And then there’s meadow buttercup.
    And creeping buttercup.
    Also lesser celandine,known as fig buttercup……….

    Bedtime, I think..

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