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Springy and pinkish

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Springy and pinkish

  • DenverDoll

    OK…any comments?….I have very thick skin..I am a meanie even..ask anyone 8) Just got this cam last week..been not a lot of practice with it..but anything you can help me out with here is appreciated.


    I’m not a flower shooter so the advice I can give is limited.

    Thing that stands out for me is the bright light. It’s best to shoot at either end of the day. See how the leaf at the back has blown out detail? If you shot in RAW then there’s a chance you can bring this down a bit.

    It’s a vertical subject so I would prefer to shoot it in portriat, maybe tilted to give more if a view into the flower.

    The few times I’ve seen flowers beign photographed on TV a reflector was used to give some fill to the underside. They must be cheap because I just got one with a magazine subscription. I’m told that tin/aluminium foil will work as a basic substitute.


    Thanks a million Mr. Joe Elway..btw..we had an Elway here in Denva ya know..he was quite the popula dude….

    A bunch of good tips in there and speedy advice as well! You’re the best Aidan!

    All taken on board..I am just glad I took that first heart was pounding :lol:


    Colours, sharpness and exposure all look pretty good to me, but this
    is probably not the most flattering angle for such a pretty flower as this.
    Compositionally, the flower itself it quite central, and in a square crop as
    you’ve presented here, it doesn’t really sit too well. Aidan’s advice on shooting
    portrait format to include more of the flower stem would improve it no end.
    Also, a shallower depth of field would throw that trellis more out of focus
    and make your subject pop that little bit more. Keep it up….



    DenverDoll wrote:

    Thanks a million Mr. Joe Elway..btw..we had an Elway here in Denva ya know..he was quite the popula dude….

    That particular “Saint John” is half the reason for the name. The other half would be a Mr. Montana from San Francisco way. To say I’m an NFL and a Niners fan would be an understatement.


    Thanks Rob!

    Oh grrrr……now it’s started to rain, so tomorrow morning or later today I’ll try for another shot before the flower melts.
    Am making notes here..anxious to see if I can incorporate these suggestions..


    To say I’m an NFL and a Niners fan would be an understatement.

    Aidan..I know you didn’t mean to leave out the word Broncos , did you? no longer a Broncos fan? St John weeps
    :cry: [/quote]


    Never been a Broncos fan. I was doing handstands when Joe crushed the Broncos in the Superbowl. Though I will admit that I cheered the Broncos during their Superbowls .. loved when Elway was cartwheeled in midair during a scramble to the right hand side … guy was a winner, through and through.


    Aidan…LOL..that was the only time I cheered the Broncos…during the Suoerbowl playoffs..I am terribly fair weather.


    Same flower in the evening..not sure I like the flower anymore :lol: got really sick of looking at it..
    but I tried to apply the suggestions…


    i did things a little different since i have cs2, but i wrote the instructions for elements.
    duplicated the background layer (right click on the background layer>duplicate) and ran levels (image>adjustments>levels i think).
    in the levels dialogue i hit auto levels then moved the midtones slider (the grey triangle under the historgram)
    changed the layer’s blending mode to luminosity so that the colors weren’t affected, just the tones.
    did unsharp mask (amt. 500, radius 0.2, threshold 5 but these numbers will vary depending on the size of the image you’re working on. i’m not an expert with unsharp mask, i usually use smart sharpen or raw so if someone else has a better way to use usm you should listen to them :wink: )



    Thanks so much beth!
    That is a drastic improvement.
    Thanks for that so I can reference it when I get my photoshop, and heaven knows I better present something wonderful then, it’s spelled right out for me right here.
    Well done.


    Well.. I can’t see beths edit.. In the first I think you handled the technical stuff well.. sharp, exposed well etc but compositional difference between your first and second shot shows really dramatic improvement .. The light in the second is a touch flat.. its softer than the first but not actually lighting the flower, but without digging it up there may be little you can do about that ;)

    Well Done Missus ;)



    Thanks Lorraine!
    I am going to get better with light.. I promise.

    And thanks as well for taking the time to check this out for me..every bit helps!


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