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St Martin de Ré – France

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St Martin de Ré – France

  • Mr.H

    St Martin is the capital of the Ile de Ré, an island on the French atlantic coast close the La rochelle. The town itself (like all towns on the island) is full of cobbled lanes and whitewashed houses with pastel features like doors & shutters…. Very french marine. The town is centered around the port which is very much yachting resort these days, but like most maritime towns it has an interesting history.

    A feature of the island seems to be the hollyhocked lined streets which are abundant in every town..

    Outside of the town the island has plenty of wide sandy beaches although my set below doesn’t reflect this. The land is ‘flat as a pancake’ but plenty of agriculture make for some interesting shots, wheatfields, harvest – and numerous fields full of poppies…. some of which may appear in the landscape section if I ever get around to processing them.

    All in all very photogenic, but as ever I am not sure I found the time to make the best of it.


    Well done Gary…

    I’d like to see more images please, though from what you’ve
    shown here, and your brief description, I already know I want to visit.
    Travel photography; exactly what it says on the tin…



    Thanks Rob… I’d almost forgotten I’d posted these.

    Theres a few more images on my flickr for the time being… with a few more to come wheni get around to it.




    The first is nice, but would be tempted to try and correct the verticals and slightly lift the midtones – and would be improved further if you could have got somebody in frame to give it some dynamics.

    I don’t llike the second. The fisheye distortion doesn’t help and the motion blurring (I guess, rather than DoF) of the boats is distracting. It’s too fussy, although you have tried to lead the eye with the pontoon.

    I like the third the best – good details, colour, shadow and composition – I would just clone out the wires on the lower left side.

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