Well, you don’t have to, that’s just what would interest me. :)
Of course if you’d done that maybe someone would have said they’d have preferred to have got a sense
of the space inside the church and not a load of close ups of St. Francis’s face. :)
Without really wanting to make excuses… here’s an excuse anyway:
I went in with all my gear and met a priest at the front door. I asked him was it ok to take a few snaps… he was a bit coy, asked “what for”, told him “just hobby stuff”, he said “ok”, he seemed a bit, you know, suspicious about the whole thing, I spent about 10 mins inside, grabbed what I could, then he approached me asking to see what I had taken. A few people came in at that stage to pray so I felt a tad uncomfortable and decided to split.
So the entire thing was more hit & run than anything plus I only had the short centre column on the tripod so the height was against me.