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St. Patricks Cathedral

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St. Patricks Cathedral

  • pete4130

    Got some new lenses over the holidays (thanks to some visitors from NY kind enough to bring them over for me!). Didn’t have a tripod with me so they are handheld, so not the sharpest. Just playing around with my new toys.
    Just did some basic tweaks in RAW converter and some level adjustments. Did a crop too as I couldnt get any closer (the park was closed) and shot at 18mm to minimise camera shake. Lastly I did some correction to the converging verticles.
    Not my usual sort of thing to shoot but found some inspiration to try some new and different things from other peoples work on the forum, so thanks! Unfortunately there was nothing I could do about the renovations at the cathedralbeing in the shot.
    They were shot at ISO 400, f 2.8 0.3 seconds on an Sigma 18-50mm 2.8 lens at 18mm.
    Any C&C welcome.

    The uncropped image


    I like it, it is a pity about the renovations, but as you
    say nothing you can do about that, I must say I like night
    lit buildings, havent done any myself (yet) on my list of
    things to do! There is quite a difference in the two shots
    the uncropped looks almost bent almost fisheye, cropped
    looks much better.



    Thanks Shutterbug. It’s something I just tried yesterday. Came into work early today to get off early today (gotta love flexitime! :lol: ) and get my kit set up properly and reshoot again. Luckily I work and live close to the city centre, so I’ll try to spend the next week or so making my way round that various nicely lit buildings and see how I get on! I’ll be sure to let you know how I got on.

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