Took these on a recent fishing trip to Donegal…
Fishing was impossible on monday due to the very strong winds so i borrowed my mates sigma 10-20 and went snapping..
It was near impossible to keep the lens clean as it was raining and there was spray coming up the cliffs :( and i couldn`t use a tripod either!!!
anyway here`s the only 2 shots i liked,comments welcome..
2 good shots especially bearing in mind the conditions !! i really like the 2nd one , lovely composition …is there a bit of hdr going on ?
Cheers :D
The wind was so strong it blew me over a couple of times while i was on one knee trying to take a shot :shock:
Both shots are HDR…
I had to do something to get something half decent… and cos i`d borrowed my mates lens i had no filters that would fit :(
I love stormy seascapes and this is no exception. my one gripe is that the shot is too narrow. the sea obviously leads into a bay to the right, and my eye wants to see right up to where the sea meets the land. This view point really wants to be made into a pano, showing the open ocean to the left, following the rough sea right in to the shoreline, with a bit of shore/land to the right. would look really awesome.