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‘Strobist’ style macro studio shot

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‘Strobist’ style macro studio shot

  • PeteMcD

    So I’ve been getting engrossed in lately. I decided it was time to get into action and made a baby macro studio out of a cardboard box and some tracing paper. This was the outcome.

    I used a couple of desklamps to light from the right, since I am poor and do not have a flash I can use off camera!

    I would appreciate any pointers from some of the masters on here.

    Many thanks,


    Very creative, necessity being the mother of invention
    and all that.

    The subject is a little soft, though that may simply be down
    to jpeg compression and could be rectified easily enough.
    The colours are good and the shadow and depth overall
    work really well. Perhaps a crop from the right and a little
    off the bottom might help eliminate some of the superflous
    negative space though. Just a thought…


    Noely F

    I’m intrigued…….”Strobist”, have to check that out.
    This would be a great AD shot :wink:


    Cheers guys. I appreciate your comments.

    Ya, I agree, its a bit soft. I exported from Lightroom without doing a sharpen after it was resized. That would be the main culprit!

    I’ve tried cropping it more tightly, but I can’t get it to sit so well in the frame. I will keep trying and see what i can come up with.

    On the whole I am quite pleased with it. The main thing I can learn from this little exercise is the importance of good light. And that good light doesn’t cost a lot (for little things).

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