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Stunt Show

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Stunt Show

  • paddyking

    Was at a stunt show in IOM TT races, they had a jet Quad in action. Taken with out flash (batteries were gone!!)


    Realistically, a bit too grainy and blurry. But then, I’ve never tried to take an action shot at night, so I have no idea how hard it may have been to get a shot even this clear. :)


    1/40 shutter speed, f5.6 aperture, ISO1600 and no flash used…. TOUGH exposure :shock:

    Realistically the shot is destroyed with noise. You can sometimes get away with ISO1600 if the shot is exposed correctly, but even with the settings you chose, the shot is drastically underexposed and as such the noise is very evident in the picture. Shots like this really need fast lenses… f2.8 and below. The difference between f2.8 and f5.6 (which I’m guessing is the widest aperture on your lens at 70mm??) is FOUR times the light! If you had a 50mm f1.4 it would be SIXTEEN times the light. For lenses that don’t have a constant low aperture throughout the range, you should avoid using full zoom in low light situations as it means you have to stop down your aperture and increase your shutter speed. Also hand holding a 70mm focal length (effectively a 100mm focal length when you take into account the crop/multiplication factor) using a 1/40 shutter speed is a sure fire recipe for camera shack. Couple that with the fact that the subject is moving just adds to the blur.

    All in all, it’s a good attempt at a really tough shot. But next time, I’d suggest you could try the following:

    1. Ideally buy a faster lens, this will allow in a LOT more light and help the exposure considerably
    2. Don’t shoot at the full 70mm.. shoot wider and then crop the image (it’s unlikely you’d be going to print with it anyway). This allows you use a wider aperture
    3. Use a monopod if you can and pan with the subject. This will help to minimise both camera shake and subject motion blur
    4. Don’t be afraid to use flash.. even a small amount of flash at ISO1600 can register and help freeze the subject and improve the exposure.


    Thanks for all your help, was quite dark and had to up the ISO setting. Next time am bringing more batteries for the flashgun!


    Try to convert it to b&w. Maybe it worthy.

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