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Stupid Question

  • paperdoll

    Is it possible to scan medium format negatives….got a Saphir Ultra 2 scanner here, but it doesn’t appear to be working for me?
    I left a roll in last week to be processed, but stupidly didn’t request prints :oops: that’s inexperience for you!


    Some scanners can scan 6X6 negatives or larger but your one may be confined to 135 size only. I had a quick google and this appears to be the case. You may be able to get the shop where you had the film processed to do it for you.

    John Griffin

    Thats not a stupid question! :)


    Well – I’m a little out of my depth is what I mean I suppose :? :lol:

    Anyway – here I am sitting beside my scanner, waiting anxiously for some insight. It’s probably not possible to do it with this scanner, as it only gives 2 scan modes – reflective and transparent. I tried transparent, and then inverted in photoshop, you can just about see the image through all the murkiness, but thats not what I was hoping for :( :(


    Transparent is the right mode for negatives or slides. Do you have a holder that you can place the negatives in?


    nope – its an old scanner that someone gave us when we were stuck, and we ended up keeping it…there wasn’t even a manual, and I had to get the software off the net…I hardly use it to be honest – But now I want to!


    paperdoll wrote:

    I tried transparent, and then inverted in photoshop, you can just about see the image through all the murkiness, but thats not what I was hoping for :( :(

    I’m not familiar with the Saphir Ultra 2 scanner but when you scan in transparent mode, is there a cover on the inside of the lid that you removed to expose a light source? If not, then that may explain the “you can just about see the image through all the murkiness”.

    That’s how my Epson scanner works.


    Dave – there is nothing on the inside of the lid, but I think there should be a transparency adaptor that goes into it…..I think I’ll just have to give in and go back and get prints from my negatives….I have the patience of a two year old, and I’m dying to see them. :)

    thanks anyway


    download silverfast and use it instead of the scanner manufacturer and try again, you should get decent results.

    having the patience of a two year old would be quite common in photography circles, myself included :lol:


    Fintan wrote:

    download silverfast and use it instead of the scanner manufacturer and try again, you should get decent results.

    having the patience of a two year old would be quite common in photography circles, myself included :lol:

    Cheers – I’ll have a look while I’m stuck in work!
    …and Photo Care on Abbey St said it will take 2 days for prints….maybe if I try stamping my foot……

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