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Summer Flowers

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Summer Flowers

  • denismc

    Hi Everyone,
    This is my first post/photo on here so any comments/critique are welcome


    Summer Flowers by denismc66, on Flickr/code][code]
    Summer Flowers by denismc66, on Flickr/code]


    Nice simple summer scene Denis which kind of reminds me of a Windows background image. Composition isn’t bad either.
    A couple of things that might improve it though… the main one being that there’s really no focal point (such as a tree/s, fence, boulder etc.) which means the viewers eye wanders around the image with nothing to fix on.
    Also, (and forgive me if I’m wrong on this) it looks like you may have used a polarizer incorrectly as the sky seems to be a fair bit darker in the middle compared to the sides. Maybe a slight turn of the filter or having the sun at a different angle would have helped this.
    Lastly, I personally don’t like that contrail streaking across the sky although some might like the diagonal it creates. I feel it just takes away from the natural look of the image.
    Hope these comments come across as constructive rather than critical :wink:


    Thanks for your comment, you were bang on about the polarizer,don’t know how i missed that.
    The photo was taken in a local housing estate so the only focal point was a wire fence which would have taken away from the image i thought.
    When i came back a couple of days later the grass had been cut unfortunately.
    Your comment is appreciated, i am here to learn.
    Thank you,

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