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Swan at Bray Harbour C&C please

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Swan at Bray Harbour C&C please

  • stcstc

    This image was taken yesterday in Bray harbour

    I was trying to capture the swan with its wings wide open, but hey my reactions are not that quick

    I am looking for advise and pointers, tell me if i am going in the right direction, ie is the image appealing etc


    Hi Steve,

    I think you have done well, I find it hard to get a good shot of swans, always get the light wrong! This is a busy shot and DOF is quite short but the main focus is the swan and he/she is in good focus and isnt glaringly white.

    Shutterbug :)



    thanks for the comment, it was one of a lot of shots i took, i have not processed the image at all. it was me trying out a new lens i bought and havent fully got used to it yet

    the DOF i was trying to achive that to soften everything in front and everything behind to just ty and get the swan in focus

    i didnt quite get it, but nearly i think

    thanks again


    I’ve been shooting swas a fair bit lately. Like Shutterbug said, getting the light/exposure right is key. You’ve avoided blowouts and gotten great feather detai on the wings. It’s an interesting shot too. Anyone can walk down to one of the canals and shoot a bird swimming by but you’ve got something different. Next challenge… get a panning shot of one landing in the water ;-)


    stcstc wrote:

    the DOF i was trying to achive that to soften everything in front and everything behind to just ty and get the swan in focus

    You’re definitely on the right lines there. I think you’ve made a good effort. There’s no EXIF with your file so I can’t see what aperture you used. The ideal lens for these shots is a 500mm F/4 or (at a pinch) a 300mm F/2.8. Unfortunately, they cost a fortune, so we try to make do with 300mm F/5.6 and wonder why the results don’t cut the mustard! C’est la vie.

    Your swan’s still better than any of my swans!



    Sorry didnt realise the exif was not there

    heres the info fom lightroom

    ISO 100, 200mm 1/600 sec f/4.0

    But thanks for the comments

    Noely F

    This is a great shot , ok the background might not be the best but the lighting and texture of the swan is what makes it for me.Very “Children of Lir” in its pose, nice one :wink:


    Just shows to go you. To get the shallow DoF you wanted you’d probably have needed another stop (f/2.8) at least. Once you get to 200mm f/2.8 you’re normally talking pricey lenses.


    yea pete would of love to of got that lense instead, although two reasons i didnt, 1 THE PRICE (WOW) and the wheight, like the fact the other is much lighter

    I did shoot this at the same time which the DOF worked better on

    Noely F

    I’m a big fan of this type of shot, good stuff!


    I actually quite like that the wings are only partially spread. It makes it a bit more interesting – was the swan opening or closing his wings? Shame about the background, but not much you can do in a situation like that :)


    it was closing its wings, i have a shot with them slightly futher open, i fired off 3 or 4 shots in continous shoot mode

    but this one looked by far the best

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