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Taking pictures in the modern world

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Taking pictures in the modern world

  • The Snapper

    I have been into photography now for over 25 years. I use both film and digital.

    These days there seems to be two ways people approach taking pictures.

    1, Get as much as possible correct before taking a photograph, composition, exposure, filtering etc regardless of what format or medium you are using.

    2, Take a photo first and then decide how they want it to look and adjust accordingly on the PC, again regardless of what format or medium you are using.

    I prefer No1

    So how do you take pictures ?


    Firmly in the “get it right in camera” camp, but to me that means getting as much data onto the chip/film as possible, so that I can get the tones I want later.


    #1 for me too, thats the skill of photography imho.


    I’m only starting out, I try to get as much as I can correct while taking the photo, but 90% of the time I will have to spend time on the laptop correcting the photo. So I’d say I’m no2, but I want to be no1.

    EDIT: I also think that when you are starting out lack of equipment and a lenses limit you, so you have to use the laptop to get what you were after in the photo.


    I’m all for getting as much right as is possible before pressing the button.

    This helps to avoid the disappointment of having a potentially good photograph
    ruined by one of the many mistakes that come with lack of care.

    Modern software is very good but it is so much more satisfying tweaking a well composed,
    properly exposed image with the required depth of field than it is attempting to rescue a
    botched effort.

    Unfortunately I come home with many botched efforts. :oops:



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