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Ten Things to Put Against The Wall After The Revolution

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Ten Things to Put Against The Wall After The Revolution

  • PeteTheBloke

    BM wrote:

    Self Assessment would be top of my list

    Hah. Just sitting down to do my own. Every year I vow to keep up to date
    each month and every year I do the whole thing at the last minute. It would
    be Saturday except I’ll be away.


    I keep my records fairly well up to date and usually complete the on-line return earlier than January.

    It’s the payment carry-on I don’t like!!

    I have two brothers living in UAE – they pay no taxes at all! Heaven


    1. All Religious Leaders
    2. All religion to be banned (except maybe for Buddhism, cos they seem nice ;-0)
    3. All extreme right party members and sympathisers.
    4. Anyone who doesn’t believe in evolution.
    5. Anyone who isn’t evolved.
    6.Writers and producers of Eastenders and any other misery peddlers.

    Hmmm..have to think for a bit now



    10.stop wearing tons of makeup

    I’m sure you can do this if you try really hard. You probably look good in make up though.


    Mick451 wrote:

    1. Traffic aids of any kind – eg: roundabouts, traffic lights, street lighting, road markings, speed limits road calming bumps and chicanes – will be banned.
    2. Cars under 2.5 litres and 200bhp to be banned; rocket launchers, dishwashers and clown horns to be fitted as standard.
    3. Cars to be inflatable and transparent; drivers and passengers required to be naked at all times, pedestrians required to wear inflatable sumo outfits and use pogo sticks.

    4. Women to be quiet during football matches and not to ask questions during films – especially films about the offside rule.
    5. Women to declare that ‘huh’ ‘eh’ uhuh’ and ‘two sugars, please’ are meaningful expressions of an deeply emotional nature.
    6. Women to acknowledge that using more than one ‘and’ in a sentence is cheating, as is asking the same question in a variety of ways.

    5. All wars and political disagreements to be fought by politicians who start them. All wars and disagreements to be sorted via food fights in the nearest KFC establishment.
    6. Fox News to be the only TV news media outlet – available only in cartoon format and to be hosted by Bart Simpson, Spongebob Squarepants and Top Cat as a musical event.
    7. There will be a tax on the spoken word. This will be doubled if you’re a politician and quadrupled if you’re selling something – politicians selling something will be shot.

    8. Any building over 100 years old will be torn down and building above ground will be outlawed.
    9. Mobile phones will deliver an 750v electric shock by way of signifying a call.
    10. Money will be outlawed, chocolate puddings and sausage rolls will be the new currency.

    Ah, commonsense at last, except for the buildings bit, there are quite a few of those that
    I’m fond of and would miss terribly. Can we change that one to ‘Dishwashers to be compulsory
    in every household?’



    1. “Learner” Permits, with 6 month application bans.
    2. Dell laptops
    3. Whoever decided it was a good idea to rename Temple Bar Music Centre “The Button Factory”.
    4. Rugby
    5. The use of the term “special” to describe people, even in jest.
    6. College fees
    7. MacDonalds
    8. 9am Friday Morning Psychology tutorials
    9. Text Messages
    10. Replace all TV with endless music channels of various genres (except Rap) with no advert. breaks



    bingbongbiddley wrote:

    I’m sure you can do this if you try really hard. You probably look good in make up though.

    myself and “look good” can’t go in the same sentence.
    no matter what.
    well, a miracle, maybe.


    Jeez, POM, don’t get rid of rugby!! People think we’re quite good at it and it’s one of the few games that we can play internationally – there’s no six nations hurley!


    Mick451 wrote:

    1. Traffic aids of any kind – eg: roundabouts, traffic lights, street lighting, road markings, speed limits road calming bumps and chicanes – will be banned.
    2. Cars under 2.5 litres and 200bhp to be banned; rocket launchers, dishwashers and clown horns to be fitted as standard.
    3. Cars to be inflatable and transparent; drivers and passengers required to be naked at all times, pedestrians required to wear inflatable sumo outfits and use pogo sticks.

    4. Women to be quiet during football matches and not to ask questions during films – especially films about the offside rule.
    5. Women to declare that ‘huh’ ‘eh’ uhuh’ and ‘two sugars, please’ are meaningful expressions of an deeply emotional nature.
    6. Women to acknowledge that using more than one ‘and’ in a sentence is cheating, as is asking the same question in a variety of ways.

    5. All wars and political disagreements to be fought by politicians who start them. All wars and disagreements to be sorted via food fights in the nearest KFC establishment.
    6. Fox News to be the only TV news media outlet – available only in cartoon format and to be hosted by Bart Simpson, Spongebob Squarepants and Top Cat as a musical event.
    7. There will be a tax on the spoken word. This will be doubled if you’re a politician and quadrupled if you’re selling something – politicians selling something will be shot.

    8. Any building over 100 years old will be torn down and building above ground will be outlawed.
    9. Mobile phones will deliver an 750v electric shock by way of signifying a call.
    10. Money will be outlawed, chocolate puddings and sausage rolls will be the new currency.

    tee hee… that made me laugh… even the equality bits, (but don’t tell anyone).

    I might have added, make the circus music (you know, du du du du du du du du du du) the new national anthem…


    X factor and similar shows


    Right well in that case I’ll live with Rugby and it can be swapped for World of Warcraft :lol:

    Alan Rossiter

    1. The guy who thought putting a red strip of plastic inside one end of a packet of biscuits was a good idea.
    2. Clampers (not to be mistaken with community wardens who do an excellent job)
    3. Sales people from phone companies who call door to door to get you to come back to Ei..sorry, can’t say.
    4. Wussy footballers who wear gloves
    5. The Kilkenny hurling team(s)…I’m from Wexford…it’s a Wexford thing, every year they win, the ba…sorry, can’t say.
    6. The new Iarnród Éireann trains that are made of Tupperware
    7. Those who class pigeon racing as a sporting pastime
    8. The Angelus at 6pm and those cardboard actors
    9. Astrologists who tell you what you will do in the next week based on the stars…puleeeease!!
    10. Anyone who advertises like this – “Have you been involved in an accident at work that wasn’t your fault?”

    Aren’t Fridays lurvely. :)


    This one enticed me out of my silence.. must be becoming a grumpy old man. Tried to keep it generic, but have got personal in a few instances… just couldn’t help myself.

    1.Any politician who said ‘yes but can you trust them with the economy?’ before the last election.
    2. People who think hazzard lights make erratic parking OK.
    3. Whilst on the parking theme, people who believe its their god given right to park erratically on a sunday just becuse they are off to church.
    4. People who say like, like, in all the wrong places like.
    5. Daniel O’Donnell
    6.People who think their county has a right to be included inbetween the words ‘full’ and ‘breakfast’. Not so prevalent over here but have you ever been to yorkshire.
    7. Marian Finucane
    8. Eddie Hobbs
    9. Slippers
    10. Queue jumpers (unless its me!)
    11. Hypocrits

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