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Ten Things to Put Against The Wall After The Revolution

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Ten Things to Put Against The Wall After The Revolution

  • DenverDoll

    When I become the Bossiest Contessa ever~~~

    1.) There will be no hate.

    2.)Dogs will rule the world. I have lots of reasons, but mostly because they are colourblind.

    3.)Reality shows will disintegrate upon conception.

    4.)One channel will be nothing except Scrubs, House, ER, and Grey’s Anatomy.

    5.) When The Flaming Lips song Tangerine comes on, all citizens must stop working and start dancing.

    6.)Chocolate will fall from the sky like snow.

    7.)Children must act like children and grownups must act like grownups.

    8.)There will be sausage in every frying pan.

    9.)Anyone who brings me a good book will pay no tax ever again.

    10.) There certainly is not a more congenial spot for happy ever aftering than here in my Camera shop.


    DenverDoll wrote:

    When I become the Bossiest Contessa ever~~~

    4.)One channel will be nothing except Scrubs, House, ER, and Grey’s Anatomy.


    Sharon do you know my wife Greys Anatomy is on every night (seriously) plus she doesn’t read this I am safe for a while. :lol:



    Sharon do you know my wife Greys Anatomy is on every night (seriously) plus she doesn’t read this I am safe for a while. Laughing


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Hey Sodie….bring your wife over..she and I can watch really good hospital shows on the little teensy tv…while you and my husband watch not as good Irish football on the huge one.


    People who loiter in newsagents reading papers and magazines should be electrocuted by tazer on the spot.


    nfl-fan wrote:

    A few mental note of a few things I’ll be implementing when I take over…

    10. Dish Washers banned

    But I don’t want a divorce!!!


    thedarkroom wrote:

    nfl-fan wrote:

    A few mental note of a few things I’ll be implementing when I take over…

    10. Dish Washers banned

    But I don’t want a divorce!!!

    You could wash them yourself then? :)


    PeteTheBloke wrote:

    thedarkroom wrote:

    nfl-fan wrote:

    A few mental note of a few things I’ll be implementing when I take over…

    10. Dish Washers banned

    But I don’t want a divorce!!!

    You could wash them yourself then? :)

    Is there an instruction manual? The Ladybird book of shauvenism!!


    ooh there is to many.
    1 Ireland must have proper winters (snow and frost) and proer summers
    2 No tractors at all on roads
    3 funaral traffic must move at speed of at least 70km per hour
    4 Waitresses are not allowed to say NOW when you get your plate.
    5 Every town is allowed just one chemist per 5000 people
    6 Heineken
    7 Daniel O Donnell
    8 Finnish referees
    9 Italy automaticaly wins the 6 nations ( they deserve it
    10 Everybody have to do what i say


    And i forgot.
    Sunday evening
    Monday morning
    Tuesday morning
    Wednesday morning
    Thusday morning
    Friday morning

    Alan Rossiter

    Waitresses are not allowed to say NOW when you get your plate.

    Hell, yeah…someone else noticed it!

    A few more on the same lines:

    People who say “not too bad” when you say “hello”
    People who say “not three bad” when you say “howya”
    People who say “Y’ello” when answering the phone
    People who say “Yo” when answering the phone
    People who ask you what number you are when they have rung the wrong number indicating that you’re the one in the wrong (Say that line 5 times)
    Shop assistants who ask “Can I help you” when you’re obviously just looking through the top shelf…I mean, the shirts :oops:
    Assistants at filling stations who ask you did you get petrol when you obviously only have a loaf of bread in your hand
    People who say “Shredding the evidence?” when you’re shredding paper…it cracks me up every time
    That guy in the Harp ad who used to lust after Sally O’Brien and the pint of Harp…never did like the look of him


    aoluain wrote:

    My first 5 . . .

    1. Vehicles moving at less than 10kph of a speed limit will be shunted off the road and banned for 6 months for impeding traffic.

    2. People [particularly women] who dont have their wallets or purses ready when at a cashier will have to pay double.

    3. 4×4 jeep suv stlye vehicles not used for off road pursuits will be confiscated.

    4. school drop off and collections will be banned and proper school transport provided.

    5. PI will be ordered to host a fully open Art Nude section on its forum !!!! :lol:

    6. CEO’s of all financial institutions

    7. My mortgage

    8. My car loan

    9. People who took our money and have it in storage in offshore accounts

    10. Financial regulator.

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