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Thanks for the lend of the lens JohnG

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Thanks for the lend of the lens JohnG

  • Aimee

    This is one that I took with the lens that John so kindly lent to me.
    Fot those of you that couldn’t make it, JohnG organised the trip up to glendalough about a month ago and then lent me this blooming massive lens.’:?’. I barely knew what to do with it.’:?’

    Here’s one of the shots. It’s pretty dark. Is there a PS trick to lighten.


    “what you looking at me with that big lens for?!” lol

    Did you shoot in jpeg or RAW format? If in raw, adjust your exposure. If in Jpeg, adjust “levels” in PS

    With RAW you’ll have a better chance of bringing out hidden detail, whereas jpeg will just make what’s there lighter!



    Hey tim, only jpeg i’m afraid.
    Still haven’t shot in RAW yet. been meaning to try it out …. but eh.. well I’ve no excuse really.

    Like your signature by the way!! :)


    Gosh Aimee,

    It’s really cool to see how easily and quickly you came to grips with that lens. This was a really early on shot. I’m just going to have to get myself a proper camera. As in one that takes different sized lenses etc. It is amazing how much detail they bring out. Well taken



    Hey Terry, yeah you nearly looked more scared for me than I was!!!
    Teeheee you should get a SLR.. you’d love it

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