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The Burren

  • Harry Lime

    Not 100% sure whether this works or not. I started by trying a b&w conversion, but felt it was a bit flat. I did a bit of cross-processing-effect on the foreground and then played with the sky to get it to fit back in.


    Im no expert by any means, so feel free to tell me to bog off. I think there is too much rock in the foreground and could have done with a close crop. The sky also seems to be noisy, so not really sure myself.


    Hi Harry Lime,

    This is a tricky one alright. I think if you crop some of the foreground rock you wil loose those long lines leading into the distance which for me makes the shot interesting. I am always fascinated with geometric or seemingly organized patterns in nature. I would like to see a kinda high contrast mono version of this, think this would focus the viewers attention on the shapes and lines in the scene.

    Anyway, thats my two cents!


    I think the shot works well. I don’t think there’s too much foreground – it’s necessary for the lines to have their full effect. I do agree that a high contrast mono with judicious use of dodging and burning would make it a better image, though.


    Alan Rossiter

    Maybe it’s my laptop and it’s display but I think this could do with a little boost in saturation. I think a B&W will loose the power that the clouds could display. A gradient overlay layer would make the clouds top off the image nicely. The lines – yeah, I’ve done something similar too last year and it does catch the eye. Nice simple image.


    Harry Lime

    Thanks for the comments all.

    PD_BARBS – w.r.t the crop, I don’t really think that there is anything to crop to really. The fact that there’s no focal point kind of is the focal point and is probably why I’ve been struggling a little. :)

    ssheridan – I’ve included a plain old desaturated version and a quick and dirty high contrast version below. What do you think? I think there’s something to be found in the high contrast alright – even though this crude version is kinda low on foreground detail.

    Alan – I had fairly heavily desaturated the image. In a way it was to hide the fact that there aren’t a great range of colours in the scene. Some brightly coloured foliage or seaweed or something might have been what I was missing.


    I think somewhere between those two is the sweet spot for this image, I think. The sky looks fine in the second, but the foreground is too stark. Maybe a layer mask would be in order to cut down the intensity in the foreground a touch.

    Definitely works better in B&W in my opinion.



    I think the first one works great the composition is strong all I would do is as alan said boost the saturation and then reduce the noise in the sky


    Hi Harry Lime,

    Thanks for posting the second and third shot. Looking at both of them I agree with Peter, its somewhere in between. I think the high contrast shot looses some of he fine detail in the rock. However, I do like the way the blacks between the rocks look more dramatic. Maybe you could work with the de-saturated version and selectively darken and brighten to creative the perfect balance between the two.

    I think its a good photo, one of those ones that deserves a bit of time to tinker with and get just right.



    That’s my turf :) The Burren can be difficult to photograph but I really like your original, colour, rock and all. However I would have tried to get rid of the headland and hill on the right (at the horizon) to focus on the “hard” rock and the “soft” sky.


    Harry Lime

    Thanks lads.

    Carsten: I hadn’t really noticed that hill before, but now that you’ve mentioned it, it does look a bit weird.

    I really need to set aside some time to work on this again and try out the things that have been suggested. Hopefully this weekend.

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