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The farm

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The farm

  • paperdoll

    Took these at Glenroe Open Farm in Co. Wicklow today. Any feedback appreciated.


    I like the landscapey one. The sky is magnificent. I wonder if you could have scraped another
    half-stop out of it to bring up the trees – they’re a bit under-exposed.

    I’m afraid the animal shots are a bit something or nothing for me, despite being well-executed
    in terms of exposure and so on.

    I do like the pig, but that’s personal. My daughter and I have a bit of a pig thing going – we adore them.
    When I win the lotto I’m going to buy a field and keep pigs… and that’s before I even go camera


    PeteTheBloke wrote:

    I do like the pig, but that’s personal. My daughter and I have a bit of a pig thing going – we adore them.
    When I win the lotto I’m going to buy a field and keep pigs… and that’s before I even go camera

    Well, in that case Pete, the pig is dedicated to you and she!

    Pig is my fav too…..I was practically lying in the grass in front of her to get this (getting strange looks from the other parents :D )

    Maybe I’ll go back to the RAW version of the landscape-y one and see if I can do anything with the trees based on your advice. I often (read usually :wink: ) don’t notice these things until someone else points them out to me :D

    Thanks again for the feedback Pete.


    I think these are a nice set of shots T… agree with Pete that the pig is the best of the animal shots..and I really like the landscape…simple and uncluttered..appeals to me anyway. Might have left the tip of Mr.Goats horn though…and his ear…would look better with them.

    You are getting to grips with that D200 I can see! Do you find a big difference from the D70?


    :shock: Oi! girly, you should post the landscape shot in the landscape section – it’s stunning – deserves to be there on it’s own :) . Quality of these shots is amazing – best work i’ve seen from you, everything is spot on.

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