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The joys of having teenagers …..?

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The joys of having teenagers …..?

  • HelenM

    Help! My ‘baby’ (17, youngest of 4) has asked if he can go to Oxegen next month. My other three were light years ahead of him forging a path to adulthood. This one has been so sensible and mature in many ways but I just hope he can socially deal with a huge music festival. He only started really ‘going out’ with mates last month and has only just discovered the joys of Magners last weekend !!!
    Of course, where is Dad when you need him – up a salmon river in Donegal :evil: . (and yes, caught 5 so far!)
    The older 3 have individually said he will be fine and I have said he can go – but isn’t it tough being a parent: all you guys with wee ones beware, they grow up while you blink! Guess I’m as concerned about the fact he plans to drive there. So I really dont want to hear from you guys that this is a badly organised weekend of danger, debauchery and drugs unlimited!


    I’m guessing he’ll be fine, Helen.
    Sounds like he has his head screwed on judging by what t’other 3 say.
    Believe me, they’ll be worrying about him too – though they’ll never admit it ;) – just like I used worry about my younger brother.
    What makes the headlines in the press is the bad stuff, and it’s always a minute percentage of the people involved.
    Most people go to have a good time and end up having just that…with a slight hangover.


    My daughter’s 16 and my wife spends her life worrying about her and her 12 year old brother.
    It’s part of being a mother – us dads are far more laid back!


    I have sprinkled my 2 with pixie dust, (courtesy of Tinkerbell and Peter Pan) and they will stay this age forever. 2 and 4. :D


    ehmm… well…
    It’s been a while since I was a teenager. but I am not a dad (not as far as I know :D ) so I can speak as “a child”. LOL
    As long as it’s just Magners, with “moderate” abuse, nothing to worry about. Unfortunately the big problem is the other stuff. I worked in a rehab centre, and I know a little about this stuff. Me thinks that a mother that really wants to see if a son deals with that, she will discover it easily.
    so, maybe few words of precaution before, without being too anxious.

    my 2 cents. I hope this is not rude, I tried my best in such a delicate topic ;)


    Have not been to this and my daughter is to young yet but my sister goes every year and says it is a well run well orginised and well policed
    no doubt there does be a bit of trouble but as long as he is in a group he will be fine but you will still worry no matter you are told
    and on a serious note what river has your husband caught the salmon in as we are getting nothing where i live



    Thanks guys. Pixie dust, THAT’S what I need to get hold of!!!!
    Yep, guess it’s deep breath and keep busy while he’s gone.
    Cathal, I’m so interested in fishing I don’t know where he is! :roll: Might be somewhere like Cloughan??
    He was back mid week and now gone again! And this current wet spell is down to his rain dances!


    Behave, always being sensible and one weekend with the apple juice won’t change him maybe help him loosen up a bit, remember I know his Mum LOL.
    I was going to say that the worry will stop after a while but NAH. Hasn’t he a mobile etc its not like you can’t annoy the crap out of him all weekend anyway :wink:
    talk later



    Hiya stranger!
    Never has his mobile on when you need him.
    He’ll be fine – sure he will.


    He Will He Will He Will.
    hope you are well apart the bad nerves and worry :D


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