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The Swans Head

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The Swans Head

  • Brian_C

    The Swans Head…. sounds like a pub.
    I normally shoot landscapes but I took these a couple of months back. C&C please.


    Can’t see the first one. Not so sure about the composition of the 2nd. Exposed perfectly … the pure white of the swan makes them very hard to expose right. It is a little soft, though…. but that could be the smudges and finger prints on my laptop screen which I have to remember to clean when I get home.


    Aha! Can see the first now. Have you sharpened at all? Again, great exposure but soft. Would much prefer a portait/vertical shot. The main subejct (the neck) is vertical => I think the shot should be too. Bang on focus on the eye and catchlight too.


    Cheers Joe,
    A lot of my images have problems displaying on here for some reason, maybe to do with host

    They were both taken to be part of a C&G Panel and we’re not allowed to digi manipulate images :wink: :wink: , except for dust spots. I was only gonna include the swans head shot. Your suggestion of portrait to get the neck is very good, I’d not though of that. As the swans are very accessable to where I live I’ll probably re-take in portrait.

    Thanks for your feedback.


    Hello Brian,
    thanks for your comments on my ones-
    yes they are sharp,
    but they’re very frontally lit,
    and not very appealing-

    you’ve got more of a 3/4 light thing going,
    but it does show the difficulty with shooting white out in the open without reflectors-

    I think you got better poses with yours,
    they look like far more experienced models-


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