Taken a few weeks back I was in the whole “decisive moment” frame of mind. Looking for people in images. This doorway, obviously in a hidious state of colour was an attraction. I was waiting for someone to enter the frame when unbelieveably it was a painter. He also seems to be hiding his face from the door. Right time, right place…?
I had enough trouble cloning out the concrete pillar and the spiked chain that ran across the image. I know what you mean though.
B&W was my first thought but the point of the image was the painter by the lime green door. B&W would only make it pointless but I’m sure it would convert quite well.
Taken a few weeks back I was in the whole “decisive moment” frame of mind.
Spoken in the past tense? I hope not. I really like where you are going with this kind of thing. It’s what I try to do myself, but rarely have the time to practice.
So I’m hoping you’ll continue with this type of composition…
Oh and you’re dead right…B&W would kill a lot of the appeal of the shot.