This is Sarah, a greyhound girl dog (I hate the way they call them bitches)….! She belongs to a relation of mine.. They tend to look agressive but this girl is so placid and gentle… A really beautiful dog..! I purposely wanted the nose in focus and the rest OOF…! I was really just testing my new lens… I sold my 20D and grip and bought a Canon 35mm f1.4L… wow… its stuck to the 5D..! All with 5D, 35mm, various speeds at f1.4
Yeah the DOF is amazing.. and its sharp wide open… by f2 or so it would cut ye…! The amount of separation of subject from background is very good too. Took some shots at my godsons first communion and you would swear in some of em that I had cut and paste him into the pics..! Mad..! Very Happy with the lens..!