I found a nice little technique while trawling this evening and it’s eaxctly the kind of finish I’ve been looking for in HDR, except this isn’t. It’s a technique in Photoshop that simulates the effect of HDR but it can be done with 1 jpeg. A little tweaking and bobs yer uncle, or going by this kind of stuff, your aunt.
It isn’t for everyone…but there wouldn’t be a forum if we all liked the same stuff.
I’m trying to think of something more constructive or meaningful to say here… but I can’t… I just look at this effect and it floats the boat (no pun intended)!
You wouldn’t be so kind to enlighten us as to what methods you used would you.I have tried my hand at the proper HDR technique but I cant get it right.
Here’s how. Just follow this link below. It won’t work with all images but all I can suggest is run the action (at the bottom of the page) and afterwards play with the gradient colours for the best effect (the black to white one is the best from what I’ve seen). I’d also recommend playing with a contrast mask afterwards and maybe adding a colour overlay. It depends on the image itself. My first image with this action turned out to be something like the BBC series Balamory (ask your kids). :wink: