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Timothy Treadwell: Grizzly Man

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Timothy Treadwell: Grizzly Man

  • joe_elway

    This is probably more a wildlife thing but I’ve no shots here so I didn’t post it there.

    Some of you probably heard of Timothy Treadwell ( before or have seen the movie that’s currently on rotation on Discovery. Treadwell was an interesting and possibly tragic person who became a “wildlife warrior”. He filmed and photographed wild grizzly bears in Alaska, living in a tent amoungst them. He seemed to learn everything as he went along. Often he was shooting with a 50mm lens, allegedly. In the end he and his girlfriend were killed by a bear they were unfamiliar with. It’s well worth checking out.

    Some of the photos shown in the movie were absolutely some of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. It’s also a pretty tragic story. Some see Treadwell as a hero, some see him as an idot. I’ll leave it up to you. Some of Treadwell’s stuff is on this site … the photos on this site are nothgin compared to those shown in the movie:


    I Did not see him as an idiot, i just looked at him as completely Mad!! He must have thought in his own mind that he was safe or be at one with them. I have to agree the photos are amazing, but have you seen how close he was to some of those bears. He probably used the 17-40 f4 Lens :shock:


    I saw the programme during the week. He certainly was an unusual character with a tremendous love for wildlife.

    Thanks for posting the link, I’d not seen those before.


    A saw the film a while ago and wasn’t sure about how I felt about Timothy Treadwell. On the one hand he was trying to do good for the bear habitats in Alaska but I couldn’t help thinking that there may have been a few shillings missing.

    In any case, his photographic work is very impressive. Thanks for the link.


    Grizzly Man is to be broadcast on Sunday 3.50 and 4.50 am. Now to find a tape.


    Tape, jeeezzz, DVD

    :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


    ..while it works, it is safe from being weee’d! :D


    He was an interesting person. He had an addictive personality so maybe he subsitituted drugs/alcohol with a passion for wildlife. He seemed very driven. Maybe too driven but I have to respect his efforts, his work and the fact that he found somthing in life to be passionate about that gave him a mission.


    I watched that documentary over christmas and it was unsettling. The fact that he was lying (about being out there alone) in many takes, also the fact that his girlfriend expressed concerns about her safety after he threw a hissy fit at the airport and returned to the bear’s location to extend his stay further into the season. You could argue that she should have known better too but she seemed to follow his lead and trusted his judgement. He took chances not just with his own life but with hers too – if it had just been him alone I would have no issue with his final gamble but he did get someone else killed and that would put me off the guy. If he had tried that with lions instead there would be no debate but a wild 10ft hungry bear is not something you can make have a bond of friendship with. On a side note I thought the fox footage was way better than the bear footage.

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