Hi Barry welcome to the site if I havent already welcomed you!
A number of points come to mind when looking at your shots, the first shot could be
greatly improved by being aware of what is around your subject, the background in this
shot is a bit cluttered and would have been better using a shorter depth of field so that
it was slightly out of focus, also if the model was engaging with the camera her pose looks
a little awkward.
The second shot again be aware of the surroundings, clearing clutter will keep the eye on
the subject, I think that if the point of focus was the picture as that is what the eye first
rests on, would be better.
The third shot, looks a bit washed out, it might be better to crop some of the right side and
top off, as there is a blown highlight which draws the eye away, a lower stance bringing the camera
down to the level of the subject.