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Tiny Flower

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Tiny Flower

  • richiehatch

    Took this lying on the ground in Baltray at the weekend… amazing little flower.. I’d say it was about 10mm across… I think its a Wild Pansy… got some funny looks taking it…!

    5D Siggy 105 1/800s f/10.0 at 105.0mm iso800

    This is one of those weeds that grow everywhere… looks a bit like Hogweed but maybe not…

    5D Siggy 105 1/160s f/6.3 at 105.0mm iso100



    The first one isn’t showing right now-
    Pity, I’d seen it before,
    and had come back for another look-

    The background in the second is a bit of a distraction, I think-
    though it would be better bigger, of course

    Hope the little pansy comes back-


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