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To buy an A3 printer or not to buy….

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To buy an A3 printer or not to buy….

  • Not Pete the bloke

    I am considering buying the epson r2880 printer to be able to print top quality photos, and to have the advantage of printing on different papers. I also like the immediacy of home printing. But it costs £549 whereas dscolour labs only charge 90p for a 16×12 print. Would anyone advise me strongly one way or another, to buy or not to buy……


    well a printer like that wont give you cheaper prints

    the running costs are higher


    the imdeadiacy of being able to print stuff yourself is great

    also the cool thing about being able to try fancy papers etc is cool


    A very sensible question. Many of us who have bought A3 printers might wish we had thought
    a bit more about it before we lashed out €500 or more.

    I can’t see any financial payback or benefit in owning your own printer.

    However there is a value in being able to do up a few prints quickly.

    Also if you are trying to finesse the best tones/colours out of a print, you can print it off more than once with very subtle changes…. or you can do a few test strips (like in the old days with wet prints) . Like you said you can also try different papers.

    It depends how much these non-financial considerations are worth to you or perhaps what other

    I will keep my A3 printer for now but when it comes to an end. I would seriously not replacing it

    A compromise might be to go for an A4 – how many times do you print bigger than A4?

    Best wishes


    You’ll soon forget about the expense of buying the printer,
    but buying the inks will be with you forever-

    I don’t know the 2880, but my own printer was pretty good when I bought it,
    and buying inks in bulk is the only way to dull the pain-

    Definitely worth being able to make a good print though,
    and an even better one after running a few tests-
    Only you can answer the question of whether the difference is worth it for you…

    It still costs me more per print than sending something away based on the cheapest price available-
    but the immediacy and control is well worthwhile-


    £500 + would buy you an awful lot of prints!!

    Not Pete the bloke

    Epson R2880 is on its way!! Now for some A3 paper…………… :shock:


    I wanted to say I am going to put up my r2440 in the next few weeks for sale, but obviously I am too late.

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