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Today was not a good day

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Today was not a good day

  • Alan Rossiter

    As the title suggests we did not have a fruitful day today. Maybe we had a jinks with us! :wink:
    This first shot I had spotted some weeks ago so when we came to Tintern Abbey today I captured as best I could of it. I’m not 100% behind it but content for today.

    The second one doesn’t warrant a thread all by itself but I thought it looked different. It’s the roof of Tintern Abbey. It reminded me of a Fr Jack moment.


    Big Fella

    Good shot Alan, I like the conversion. I do think however the gate is holding my eye and not allowing me into the image, if you know what I mean. But thats me.



    I think the first one is quite good!

    Like has been said..the conversion is well done.

    I’d be pleased with it. I know I have so many days where I am not enthusiastic and will tend to toss things I might not should have. It takes someone else to see the value.

    I don’t know..cos I am way over here…but there just seems a collective depression or dissatisfaction among us today. Ok…never mind. :roll:

    That second one..has a flying monkey thing about it~~

    Alan Rossiter

    That second one..has a flying monkey thing about it~~

    747 – it went way over my head. Care to elaborate dear? You see, we don’t get many flying monkeys around these parts. :wink:




    ~hands on hips for this one~ I do recognise a 747 when I see one :evil:

    What I was talking about was how the birds are reminiscent of the monkeys flying to the wicked witches castle in the Wizard of Oz of course! :roll:



    I didn’t even spot that gate..
    I like the image, I have seen other images of the Abbey, including my own which is just the Abbey but this has that little bit extra and of course that’s the gate, which makes it for me. Of course the conversion adds lustre to it also.


    Little Lady

    Brillant shot Alan pity you didnt move the gate.



    Like the second one Alan, reminded me of this picture
    have a look at some of his stuff, awesome so it is!!


    Sharon, flying monkeys thing went over my head too, Wizard of Oz freaky movie!!

    Alan Rossiter

    the birds are reminiscent of the monkeys flying to the wicked witches castle in the Wizard of Oz of course!

    Ah right! Ahem, I need to get out more. Flying monkeys you say?

    747 – it’s an irish expression Shar. When something goes over your head the phrase “747” normally explains it. Of course, no reference to your good self. I’m sure you’ve kick started many a 747! :lol:


    …the guy who doesn’t know all of the Christmas films. :oops:



    That’s very sexy lousy… and you didn’t steal it from me either :wink:

    I’d be feeling #1… defo a more interesting perspective of the standard Abbey view. Nice conversion too.

    Dare I say it Alan… A-W-E-S-O-M-E


    That’s very sexy lousy… and you didn’t steal it from me either

    Thanks nfl… but the world doesn’t revolve around you and you alone :wink:


    Alan Rossiter

    Jeez…anyone got a bucket of water?? These two are at it again! :roll:



    Hold your original thought Alan-

    Best not to give a flying monkey’s-

    so now that I’m here-
    I suppose I do have a problem with the gate too-
    its telling you put this in everything else-
    You did have a choice of Architecture or Documentary,
    but I suppose it wouldn’t sit easily in either-

    Its a nice picture, but its set up like that, with the gate, and the framing of the tree-

    I think the part of the building I can see looks quite imposing-
    but I’m left with the impression that its a bit far away,
    and the other things are like window dressing…

    Maybe its because there are so many things, its hard to see what the subject is,
    but I’m not getting this one too well either-
    and perhaps the light isn’t special enough to make all the elements of the picture work together-

    I still feel I have to apologize for not being positive for everything,
    and I’m on a long roll of being critical at the moment-

    so, apologies-



    jb… I hope your not trying to piss Alan off… cos he’s my mate.

    And here they are… just to put this in context

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Alan Rossiter

    No apologies required Mr7. Like I said I saw this gate previously and had an idea of how I’d like it. You see rocks in the foreground of mountains or lakes on here regularly so it was a combination of this trying to gain perspective. I’m not 100% myself with it – it just didn’t work out as I had anticipated. Maybe next time on the left side of the gate to work as a lead…maybe it won’t. And if you were positive about something that didn’t work for you Joseph I think we’d know at this stage. But any advice is also welcome. Being honest my heart wasn’t in it today. I want to try something new, something different and the thought process today was not fully wired up.

    Appreciate the confirmations, the compliments and the education in early colour selective cinema…and flying monkeys. :wink:

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