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Tralee locations

  • cathald

    Hi Folks

    I am heading down to Tralee at the start of July for a week and
    was wondering if anyone from the area could point in in the direction
    of a few decent spots for photography or if anyone from the forum is
    from that area a possible meet up for a days shoot




    The canal leading up to the windmill – and the windmill


    I take it Brian the windmill is easy to find


    Cathald, I don’t know the area very well but I have been there a few times and would recommend the following.

    1) A day touring the Dingle Peninsula would be highly rewarding, some stunning locations on the west end of the peninsula.
    2) Inhc strand on the south side of the Dingle peninsula might be good for sunsets.
    3) The conor pass close to dingle also gives stunning views in all directions including mount Brandon which is also worth a visit.
    4)Ballybunnion isn’t that far and has a lovely beach and some good golf courses if you’re into that.
    5) Killarney isn’t really that far away, probably under an hours drive and would be well worth a visit as it’s one of my favourite places on this island. The lakes and the national park are stunning.

    Hope some of this helps and may be some of the people living in the Kingdom will come along soon and give you some insider information so you can avoid the tourists, that is if there are any around this year.



    Cheers Dave I played a lot of Golf the last time I was down there 2003
    But I was captain of my local course then which meant I got free golf all over Ireland
    The golf is very expensive down there so I think I will just do a weeks photography this year
    Thanks for the locations



    cathald wrote:

    I take it Brian the windmill is easy to find

    It’s just on the way out of town – on the way to Dingle, I think …


    Ok I’m heading down on monday until friday so if
    anybody fancies a meet up around Tralee-Dingle area
    give me a shout before Sunday evening as I wont have
    internet access from monday

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