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Tramore Races.

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Tramore Races.

  • Anonymous

    This was my first time trying out my photography at the races, I made quite a few mistakes but hopefully I’ll learn from it.

    DJ Bates

    DN Russell.

    AE Lynch

    PT Enright

    PT Enright



    I’m going blind. Personally, I think you have way way over-saturated the images.

    In saying that, you’ve some nice picts, and I really like the 2nd last photo.


    The best one for action is the second last one. The first while a good idea and you seem to have gotten the shutter speed pretty close to right, you’ve cut off the legs of the horses which would be a no no unless you cropped up to just under the jockeys legs. Full duck or no dinner as they say :)

    The rest of them don’t really do much to be honest.

    Another thing is you could step away from the saturation slider a little as they look way over saturated altogether and as a result of that you’ve removed all detail from the shadows. You had lovely evening light so they would have been saturated enough to begin with and a levels adjustment was probably all these pics needed.


    Thanks guys for all that!
    Unfortunately for the first shot I didn’t adjust the lense accordingly & I’m disappointed with that.
    It could have been a good image. I’ll have to watch the saturation because I tend to over do it at times.
    but as I said, first time trying it & I’ll give it another go again!


    The last photo is of Ellen Martin.
    Saw her last Saturday. She didnt change since 2007. ;)

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