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Transparent gifs to protect images – hows it done...

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Transparent gifs to protect images – hows it done?

  • NAP


    Someone mentioned to me that I should place a transparent gif over my images on the web to “protect” them
    Can anyone give me a step by step guide on how to do this in photoshop – just have elements at the moment but upgrading in a months time

    Thanks in advance


    The transparent gif is a layer in html in the browser and prevents casual right clicking on your image.

    however if you (in IE) go file->save as webpage complete (html etc you will get a folder that contains all the files that made the page including your picture which can then be edited.

    The browser will already have you picture in its webcache but the file save as bit just makes it easier you can also use a bit of javascript to disable right clicks but that can be defated by the browser having java turned off and again file save as etc.

    its a thorny one but casual image theft is something you cant stop even 500 pixel images can be printed half page on an A4 magazine and not look too bad (its happend to me) water marks are proably the best option but they can distract from your image so finding something your comfortable with is your decision.


    What I would do is display all images in a flash loader (e.g. don’t use tag) I would then periodically clear the clipboard data in flash. This would stop people taking a screengrab and stop the ‘save as’ problem. One of these days I’ll get round to making that work and finally see why it doesn’t :-)

    Very hard to stop people stealing images.


    Thanks for the replies..
    But does that mean if you place a transparent gif over it – it still wont be protected?


    Anyone can do a screen cap even with Flash and get the image that way. David LaChapelle uses the .gif method, but it’s easy to look at the source code to find the image.
    Even at that any of the site snagging programs can download the entire images library from your site.

    Verdict: if’s it on the web, people can and will take it.

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