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Trees in the sun

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Trees in the sun

  • b318isp

    had to wait for the sun to break through the fast moving clouds for this one:


    good shot again although I do think it would have suited a landscape format better, probably not possible though , right?


    Nice shot but I think that you have too much sky in your picture. I would be inclined to crop out the sky portion at the horz. cloud. You will find I think that this lends more emphasis to your trees, which is the title of your photo.



    Thanks for the comments. I was aligning the horizon with a third. Cropping a little from the top helps move the trees closer to that third, so certainly an option. It would risk unbalancing the shot by giving a more dominance to the foreground. A more squared crop might be an other option to overcome this.

    I also have a landscape version of the shot, but the trees get somewhat lost. The vertical orientation helps emphaise the line of the trees and stubble.

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