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Trying to decide small digital…

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Trying to decide small digital…

  • JohnnyMcMillan

    My sister asked me last night if I knew of a good small digital (with card) for about 350 euro’s or so…and I didn’t have a clue. Anyone know of a good small digital for that price in town? I’m looking at the Fuji FinePix F30…that any good?



    Fuji is meant to be good. The new Canon Ixus range is great too – especially the big LCD on the back of most of them, which is great for point and shoot



    I’d also have to recommend the Canon Ixus… great little cameras. Although if you can afford to wait for the shipping (and it’s pretty fast), I would recommend buying from an online shop. DigitalWonderWorld has some great prices.

    Madra Rua

    From what I have read the Fuji F30 comes highly recommended.
    It especially ‘shines’ in low light conditions where it’s ISO 3200 alllows it to take flash free photographs.
    You should be able to get it for a good bit less than ?350.
    You’ll find some reviews HERE and HERE


    For ?350 you could get an Olympus Mju Digital 740.

    Most cameras in that price range are very similar but I prefer the Olympus because its weather proof (not a bad thing considering the country we live in).


    I assume this is for someone who isn’t as interested in photography as the usual posters on this site, so the low-light flash-off performance benefits of the Fuji sensor aren’t as important as user friendliness and quality on full auto mode.

    When asked this question, I generally say you can’t go wrong with a Casio Exilim or Canon IXUS. Not having used all the models in the ranges and not knowing the exact requirements of the purchaser, the Exilim S770 and IXUS 850IS seem to be the current best in range, but there’s good value to be had in models a few months older.


    I’m also interested in getting a point and shoot as a backup to my DSLRs for when I can’t carry around 30lbs of gear.

    Any point and shoot must have the following:

      1. RAW capabilities
      2. Aperature Priority or Full Manual
      3. Low noise at ISO400-800
      4. 28mm wide lens

    It would be good if it had image stablisation as well.
    Budget is not an issue



    How about the recently released Canon G7? Unfortunately it doesn’t have RAW mode :cry: but other than that it would appear to be a very capable camera. It has received some pretty decent reviews. One of the more revealing (and shall I say “honest”) ones is over at The Luminous Landscape site at I’m tempted to get one myself!

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