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Unpaid photographic assistant needed

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Unpaid photographic assistant needed

  • miki g

    I agree that work experience whether paid or unpaid is invaluable to someone wishing to gain some experience in an area that they are interested, but these days it is becoming more difficult for people to just “give a hand”. I know people that wanted to do some voluntary work for a local charity (flag days etc) and were informed by the Social Welfare office that by doing so, they wouldn’t be “available for work” and that they would lose their entitlements for those days, even though they wouldn’t be getting any payment from the charity.


    I agree that work experience whether paid or unpaid is invaluable to someone wishing to gain some experience in an area that they are interested, but these days it is becoming more difficult for people to just “give a hand”. I know people that wanted to do some voluntary work for a local charity (flag days etc) and were informed by the Social Welfare office that by doing so, they wouldn’t be “available for work” and that they would lose their entitlements for those days, even though they wouldn’t be getting any payment from the charity.

    everybody loves rules :D no really, that is ludicrous… as if they wouldnt still take a paid job should some miracle occur and they get a phonecall to start that day. the welfare should take it as a sign that people would rather be doing something for the greater good than sitting at home and getting depressed. its a disgrace.

    sorry to stray further from the original topic…



    Had a look at your site, some great images. Hope you found assistant in the end. Looking at the Street images wouldn’t have been for the faint hearted some scary looking characters there who don’t seem to appreciate having picture taken unawares. Is that the aim or will you be trying to get closer and work with the people as I imagine you could have some wonderful stories from the folk living and working in the Liberties.

    Love to hear how it went.


    I’m doing a completely different set of images to the street project which was far from upbeat. This set is with the subject’s permission which makes it portraiture and it’s very optimistic in nature.

    Neon Jedi

    Karl, if you you ever find yourself in Cork, I’d love to lend a hand if needed. Don’t mind if it’s for free, the learning and experience would be great.


    Sounds great Karl, love to see the results, if there was less time involved I would have considered helping.


    I didn’t find an assistant but I completed the project solo. It was a little more difficult, particularly worrying about the light stand being blown over in the wind.

    It was picked up by where it was well received. Links below.!liberties/c20ku


    Enjoyed looking at the pictures from your project, very well done

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