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Upwards & Outwards

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Upwards & Outwards

  • SteveD

    Hope you all like, feel free to be critical!


    Love the strong shapes and patterns, and the subtle detail, with the cloudy sky behind, but for me the border really spoils it – looks like a photoshop plugin at work to me!



    I like the composition and tone and colour and graphic nature of this shot;
    it looks like quite a lot of work may have gone into it-

    I’d be with Tim regarding the frame and border,
    it is an Ideal Subject for this type of treatment,
    but ultimately might prove to be more of a distraction than a help.

    it looks like its gonna be a print-
    Maybe let us know how it turns out-



    Hey there fellas, thanks very much for the responses, and sorry for my late reply.

    Nice to see you appreciated the detail :D

    You could be right about the frame, so I tried my standard border, any better?

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