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Venice canal

  • gavin

    Gavin, this look pretty good, though it’s difficult to see any detail for a proper critique at this size. I like this type of shot in general, nice perspective and depth. Could be improved by getting lower on the shot maybe (I presume this was taken from one of the bridges). The sky seems a little blown but nice shot all the same.


    Yeah was taken from a bridge, could have knelt down but didnt think…as for the sky, this seems to be a problem I am having as of late. While tring to get the right exposure for the foreground and middle I cant seem to get detail in the sky due to over exposure and also a lack of cloud detail…any suggestions. Dont have a bigger version to hand at present.

    Thanks for the feed back


    Hi Gavin

    I rather like this one, though, as Rob says, it is difficult to discern the detail at this size.

    The houses and the canal have lots of Venetian character. The guy in the boat is a well placed focal point and the other boats point the same direction. Tonal range and balance is good, with whites dotted around nicely.

    The main problem is really the one that was already mentioned ? the burnt-out sky. Don?t let any purists know if you?re doing it but a sky from another photo could be painted into it with Photoshop. A recent copy of Digital Photo magazine gave away a selection of sky images for this purpose.
    The other point made was about getting down lower. The benefit might be small, but the perspective would have brought the arch of the bridge and the man in the boat closer. They compete ever so slightly as the focal point at the moment and I find my eye jumping from one to the other.

    All considered ? a pleasing shot.


    Again thanks for the feed back its so helpfull, anyone got any links for tutorials for adding sky in the darkroom (not digtal).


    gavin wrote:

    Again thanks for the feed back its so helpfull, anyone got any links for tutorials for adding sky in the darkroom (not digtal).

    Hi Gavin.

    The best turorial was a video tutorial in the June issue of Digital Photo. It showed how to do it and the CD included a dozen or more mono skies to use. The magazine also included a corresponding tutorial in the body of the magazine – pp46-47. This was a very good issue on mono photography in general, and buying a back issue is probably worth the ?5 or so.

    If you’re really stuck, please email me and I’ll see what I can do about sending you a CD.


    I’m assuming thats digtal only, digtal aint a problem its the wet room I need the help with that sort of thing.


    Ah, Film! Apologies. I missed that point. I’m afraid my knowledge of film and wet techniques is extremely limited – could be written on the back of a postage stamp and there’d still be room left!

    I hope someone involved in film adds a comment on the subject.

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