Nice capture. I’m a firm believer that every photo should have a caption, so that it tells the story of what happened. For example, I had a shot in my failed L panel last year of a runner crossing the finish line. He was wrecked and had his hands up behind his neck. However, the great part of the shot was that his race number matched the time on the clock. The judges didn’t see this but noticed the blown highlights in the clouds instead.
This shot however leaves you wondering who won? Although the fair assumption is that its always Kerry!!! It is a little too busy with the crowd in the background. Having shot a few sports, its best to get as low as possible to the ground thus giving a more dynamic angle. This is that kinda situation where we all want a 500mm lens. If only the Lotto gods were looking on us last week!!!
I like the feeling in the shot that every player has given his all and more and then some. A really great aftermath shot.
I’d enter it, but might crop it portraitand exclude the number 24, keep the other 6 players.