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  • lousy

    I bought myself an entry level studio kit-Elinchrom D-Lite 4 IT two head. Haven’t a clue how to use it, but this young man who is a well established Portraiture photographer was kind enough to show me how to set it up and point me in the right direction…he even modelled for me :D …this is the first of many….I hope :? :? :?



    Nice one. Great catchlights in the eyes. I am looking forward to seeing more of your work now Pat. As a matter of interest how much was the studio kit and where did you get it ?


    Cheers Mark, I think it’ll take a while to get going with this gear. This was hastily set up in the kitchen with not a lot of room. Ideally you would need a room/studio especially for it.

    As for the kit, I bought online from one of PI’s sponsors Paddy Barker. The kit came highly recommended. Elinchrom D-Lite 4-IT two head kit. €669.00 and €11.95 pp. Barkers are in Cork, so kept the business in the Country.

    Hope this helps.


    Nice portrait. I like your directional lighting and the catchlights look good. I know you’ve said that it was a quick set up in your kitchen but I can see how you’ve tried to blur the background by the double line around the edge. What are you using to edit?


    not a bad first attempt!. Much better than mine anyway!!. Your next purchase should be a reflector and position it to his right just to lift the shadows a notch or two. Regarding the shot itself focal point should be on the left eye but It looks like the sharpest point is his mouth


    Thank you both for your interest in the image, I find all contributions very helpful.

    Lynn: I use Photoshop CS5. The method was explained to me last night and I tried it out on Vladimir. I found it brilliant!!

    Ras: The focal point on any shot I took of Vladimir last night was between the eyes or perhaps on one eye. I was shooting in manual mode at f/11- 125 sec and 100 ISO.
    Any more advise would be greatly appreciated. I found your tip of “focal point left eye” very helpful, is that the gospel for portraiture??


    It’s a good method but try using the quick mask tool with it to keep the edges sharp.
    Did you use both lights for this set up?


    Just one softbox, but there might have been another light on the background, I was experimenting with various different angles of light.

    I did use quick mask tool, but perhaps went over the edges with the brush tool when filling in.



    if you bring light in close to subject and where possible move subject from background you can control the light on background i.e. Darken, else if looking to lighten you could also use a speedlight behind aimed at background. Saves a lot of hassle and time in post.

    Look forward to seeing more Pat.


    Thanks for looking in Jason and leaving some feedback. I had a brief look at your website and I see you are well qualified to leave the advice you left. Your work is of a very high standard.
    This image was taken the day my equipment arrived and Vladimir was helping me set it up. Please have a look at MIa in the same category, I only put it up last night.
    Many thanks.



    Thanks Pat, much appreciated.

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