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voice activation software

  • annken

    Hello, I am wondering if my friends can help me here. I am looking for voice activation software for a MacBook Pro. Does anyone know if such exists for the AppleMac?
    Also looking for the mindgames nintendo to help me with memory etc.
    I saw my great neps and neices with them at christmas and I thought they would be just the ticket to help my brain stay in working order.
    Any ideas of where I can start to look for these.
    Sorry I ask here, not strickly photography but be assured all is geared toward learning photography through any means than normal for I aint now up to normal learning.
    Looking forward to anyone who is willing to answer.
    xxfor now.
    Ann :?


    Hi Ann-

    OS X comes with Speech Recognition built in,
    though I don’t use it- never have-

    I don’t know anything about it, but it looks like this might be a good place to start looking-


    thats very interesting! Thanks for that, really appreciate it. Most start get it up and running.
    That along with ‘morguefile’ I think I will slowly get there. Took some really good pics yestderday from a car!
    Once the twin goes back to London I can get back my life, as it stands today!
    Shall start posting images here soon, when I learn how.


    You should let us know how you get on-
    It looks like it could be more fiddly than it’s worth, and having to use the esc key to activate the commands means that it is not completely keyless-
    and obviously, you’ll need to be in a reasonably quiet environment.

    However, complicated keyboard shortcuts, involving multiple keys, might be more difficult for you,
    so perhaps it could be useful for those-



    the voice activation is because I was WRITING a BOOK before I became ill and really want to finish it. I can type a bit but it would take too much o0ut of me to do a book. I can no longer use a pen because of dystonia and lack of coordination, it kills me. Soon will be writing an X for my name!!
    i have heard it is difficult so if that fails shall dictate on the recorder thingy my twin used to do her PhD on. And get back my editor to do the editing and typing.
    That has to be written.


    Hi Ann

    I’m not sure you’ll find the DS thing very easy to control with
    your co-ordination problems. I watch my son playing his and
    it looks like the kind of thing you need to be 12 to master.
    Maybe there would be some online games of a similar nature
    that you can play once your speech yock is up and running.


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