As you are being employed as a photographer under section 23 of the copyright and related rights act 2000
Were we (they)? What (legally) constitutes employment? If I ask you to take a few pics for me in exchange for a few pints, say – perhaps instead I ask a room full of people, and you offer your services – do I own the copyright on your pics?
I have no idea what legally constitutes employment – I’m no lawyer. More importantly, I couldn’t see any legal definition at the start of the act and found several definitions at the start of other acts (though they were quite similar).
As for the example I’d say no. If we modified the example and said you were a pub owner and you asked one of your staff to take photographs of the pub as one of their duties then I’d say yes. Again, I’m no lawyer so this could easily be completely wrong.
From the OP, the Festival asked for volunteer photographers, who responded/offered their services, in exchange for a t-shirt and a pass (and a goodie bag!). Nothing was signed, there was no formal offer of employment, no contract or other signing other than the ‘guidelines’ written and informal agreement. So I’m not sure if this constitutes “employment”.
This is in reference to your Section 23 and my example of asking you to take pictures for me.