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wake up!

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wake up!

  • jongles

    right here we go 2nd attempt at my first post. took this in Kenya a few years back, would he open his eyes ? not a chance


    i edited the post for you so you get the image in the post

    Alan Rossiter

    Would you not throw something at him????

    Love shots from ranges like this but the sun bleaches everything. Maybe bringing in the levels on a post processing package might help.



    Thanks guys , haven’t really got into photoshop as of yet but soon, I looked for a volunteer to get out of the van and pull his whiskers but people just have no sense of sacrifice! .stcstc I couldn’t figure out how to get the image “in” the post, how do you do that? I followed the post with instructions using imageshack pasting the url and all that . i know its more user friendly having it embedded for all to see straight away.

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