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  • joolsveer

    My first attempt at a long exposure flow of water.


    Good attempt but theres a number of things wrong.

    Its too bright in general and the contrast is too low. Try playing with levels and whatnot.

    Secondly, the composition is fairly boring. It doesnt really concentrate your eye on anything.

    I’d also have tried to get a longer exposure. I know thats hard in the circumstances so Id recomend the highest fstop number and some kinda of grad filter or a polariser if you were stuck!


    Thanks flipflip for your advice. What shutter speed would you recommend for this?

    Not Pete the bloke

    In order to get the water to appear as a blur in daylight conditions, you will need a strong neutral density filter in order to get a slow enough shutter speed. Basically the screw in filter cuts out a lot of light – in daylight, I doubt if you would even get close to the required shutter speed without the ND filter.
    To get that blurred streamy look to moving water, use a slow shutter speed – 1/8th or slower. For a really misty look, you’ll need 1 or 2 seconds, or even longer with a wide-angle lens. Close your aperture right down and choose your lowest ISO.

    By the way, is the title ‘waterfall’ not taking a bit of a liberty? :lol:


    I was going to use the title cascade but someone else had used it recently. I realise it’s not the Angel Falls or Powerscourt Waterfall but it still shows a fall of water. I did not intend to be ironic.

    I used a shutter speed of 1/2 second at F22.

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