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  • Glad to found this forum here. Hello from Cahersiveen, Kerry
    Madeleine (Website launch end of november)


    Welcome to PI Madelaine – I’m struggling to see this image for some reason.

    Looking at you website I see we can expect some exciting images from you.

    Hallo Gary, thanks for the welcome. I checked the files in safari and firefox. there are no display problems. Which browser do you use?
    I used the “Add image to post” way. Is there a better way?


    I can see them now Madeleine.

    The best way is to link the image from another hosting site(flickr/pbase etc), using it’s url and the img button above. In that way you embed the image in the post rather than having to click on the image to open it in another window.

    You may also want to pop up to the introduction section and say hi.


    Welcome Madelaine.. i have to honestly admit that you have very impressive portfolio on your website… i would think about different navigation system… but that was the only think i didn’t like,… I went to Kerry a while ago and loved it… your website was very nice surprised to see those views again… hope to see more…

    Thanks Garry…i will try this next time.

    Hi Martin, thank you for the flowers. This is not my final version of my website….I hope i will manage 1000 kerryimages until the end of november and they will be included in a Gallerysystem. I totally agree that the book isn’t the best way. It is a interesting solution until i am ready with the finalwebsite. (:
    Thank you


    Hello and welcome Madeleine you have some stunning images on your website and i hope to see more



    Hi and Welcome Madeleine, you certainly do have some beautiful images of Kerry.



    Very impressive panos – I’ve never seen so much sun in Kerry, though :)
    How do you do the panos?


    Excellent web site, really enjoyed looking around it. Loved the navigation in that it was like going through a book, really nice and quick too

    Welcome on board



    Madeleine… 1000 photos and a book-kind-of-gallery??!?!?!?! I hope you come up with different solution very soon, because I want to more of Kerry…
    I’m thinking about revisit… but for me visiting Kerry, bit of driving a while is a 1000 mile trip so not any time soon, hope you could guide me there, suggesting nice locations… except Dingle, Conor Pass, and Gap of Dunlue, which I found incredible being there for 2 days, mostly because of bad weather, I’d have stayed whole week otherwise…


    Amazing Photographs! I liked the navigation system (book) – different anyway.

    Thanks you to all of you.
    Bertie: handhelded and stitched and with a panoramahead.
    Martin: no :D the 1000 images are not presented in a book. You will see. Website launch is hopefully november. Of course i can give you some advices for good locations. Well if the irish sun god is with you, you wont have trouble to find the beauty by yourself. It’s everywhere here.
    Fotofan: Thank you… is the beauty of mother nature.

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