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We Shall Meet In A Place Where There Is No Darkness

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We Shall Meet In A Place Where There Is No Darkness

  • LaGwardia

    I’m not ‘hurt’ by any of the comments atall. Maybe you are right, a ‘whatever’ or being ambiguous to whether the picture was real or not would be ‘cooler’ but I don’t desire to be cool to anyone except a handful of people and in particular 1 person.

    If the response is considered overwrought or OTT then so what? I’m an overwrought and OTT person.

    I didnt intentionally set out one night to make this photo. And didn’t plan on having to explain it.

    Thank you for your comments, they made me think & made me want to create. In whatever capactity, I like anything that can evoke that.

    ”it’s easy to beat the system, I had a hard time beating the symptoms”

    I do suggest listening to ‘Just A Car Crash Away’….or Stay(Faraway,So Close), the former being on repeat most of that night.


    I’ll be sure and pick those up on iTunes Greg… have you ever listened to ‘Loser’ by Beck? I highly recommend that one.


    nfl-fan wrote:

    I’ll be sure and pick those up on iTunes Greg… have you ever listened to ‘Loser’ by Beck? I highly recommend that one.

    a thinly veiled insult!?!

    I see you corrected the typo before I had a chance to retort with ‘i have heard of ‘Loser’ by Beck but not ‘Looser’

    I’m afraid that’s an offer I *can* refuse Mr Corleone,my sister was really into Beck years ago and had problem in controlling the volume of her stereo.

    As a matter of fact i’m re-reading The Godfather/The Last Don on my lunch hour most days…..


    I’m heading up to the bathroom now for a scheiße, I’ve listened to enough for one day… that’s what the bathroom is for BTW… just in case you didn’t know.

    Good luck to your Greg and all that the future holds.

    (Mr. Corleone walks off, strolling towards the bog, humming to himself)

    “Green line, Seven Eleven
    You stop in
    For a pack of cigarettes
    You don’t smoke
    Don’t even want to
    And now check you change”

    Not Pete the bloke

    LaGwardia wrote:

    Sad really? I find it sad that basing your bias and perception of me and my work on the assumption that I shoot up smack.

    And not the boo hoo sad.

    My comment ‘Sad really’ was entirely in response to your comment about ‘spending the night in the bathroom getting wasted.’ If I took that statement too literally, then all I can be blamed for is understanding English. I based my perception of you on your own statement in plain English that you ‘spent the night in the bathroom getting wasted.’ If it was meant tongue in cheek, fine. Only you know the truth, and I pretty much doubt that my disapproval causes you much consternation either way…….

    However I should also say that I like the picture, and encourage you to keep producing stuff like it (but only when you’re not ‘wasted’ :wink: ). My comment was never meant as a response to the photograph.

    Just my 2c. Peace Bro…… :lol:


    Seems to me most of the talk so far has been about the subject matter itself rather than the image.
    Personally I don’t have an issue with the subject of documenting drug use.
    Stoneth, over on Flickr, has some powerful images on the subject.

    The main issue I have with the image is that it looks wrong.
    It feels like it’s trying too hard to be controversial and/or different.
    Manson, NIN, Husker Du, teenage angst, death metal, nobody understands me, I’m not a number, etc.
    Been there done that.

    It’s no more controversial than a landscape or puppy picture.
    Subject matter aside I find it hard to see anything worth remarking on.
    Be interesting to see how what you’d come up with if you had to document real hardcore drug users.
    Rather than just faff about with needles and play at being heroin chic.

    Sure, it may well mean a lot to you on an emotional level.
    That doesn’t mean it will mean a lot to others, or have any intrinsic value beyond the purely personal.
    That doesn’t mean it has no value, just that the audience is rather limited.
    Like looking at someone else’s family snaps.
    Mildly left of centre perhaps, but hardly shocking.
    Not in today’s society anyways.
    Ho hum.


    I’ve been lurking here for a while and have to say like so many other photos on this site – it’s a bad shot.

    This forum is much like ebay tit-for-tat comments.
    you give me a compliment,I’ll give you one

    This is a showcase for people to hide in their rooms and spend hours tweaking poor shots to give them a “wow” impact where people will slap each other on the back.

    And this heroin chic shot is nothing more. A badly conceived,badly shot,poorly executed shot who’s using other elements to attract/distract.

    Bring back the art.

    I remember the days when a photo could tell something like a painting.
    This skill is dying with the advent of sophisticated software.

    I know this is not a popular standpoint to take so throw the mud !


    mainman, if you had a point to make, surely you could had done it somewhere else and not just hopped on the back of someones thread to tell us we are all shite.


    Mick451 wrote:

    The main issue I have with the image is that it looks wrong.
    It feels like it’s trying too hard to be controversial and/or different.
    Manson, NIN, Husker Du, teenage angst, death metal, nobody understands me, I’m not a number, etc.
    Been there done that.

    Be interesting to see how what you’d come up with if you had to document real hardcore drug users.

    First off i got over ‘teen angst’ a long long time ago. I wasn’t trying too do anything.Except press the timer and get out of the bath without breaking my neck. I took two frames after a planned photo disintegrated into a night of drinking. Using ‘teen angst’ is a rather cheap shot so, *yawn*

    And plenty of people understand me.

    And I hate death metal.
    Give me Prince any day of the week.

    But your point about it being like looking at someone elses family photographs is valid, I guess I have been a tad(ok, alot) gung ho about defending it since it is my shot & it is me in it,as well as someone I care about. So obviosuly I have an attachment to it

    and I wouldnt document hard drug users since I deal with them every day in work looking to get pierced or tattooed while strung out. Also I saw skid row in downtown L.A and i think a much better photographer could do a much better job than me so I wouldn’t even try.

    ”Mainman”, hmmmm very interesting post when none of your work is ‘telling something like a painting’…or on show.
    hide in their rooms?!?! only from a monday morning I’m afraid.
    As for tweaking all I done was make this darker when I brought it to the printers since they tend to wash out some tones.

    Now correct me if i’m wrong Mr. Oracale but can’t that be done with darkroom chicanery?

    so I do beseech you oh wise one to show us the way.

    Bring back the art? how about you bring *out* yours.


    LaGwardia, I like the shot as it is.. but would agree with some of what 451 has said, ie would like to see you take some real pictures of hardcore users.
    The point he made about emotional attachment was a good one too..


    MainMan wrote:

    I’ve been lurking here for a while and have to say like so many other photos on this site – it’s a bad shot.

    This forum is much like ebay tit-for-tat comments.
    you give me a compliment,I’ll give you one

    This is a showcase for people to hide in their rooms and spend hours tweaking poor shots to give them a “wow” impact where people will slap each other on the back.

    I know this is not a popular standpoint to take so throw the mud !

    Mainman- you seem to have very strong views on the site in general not to mention the actual image that was posted. I myself lost interest a while ago simply because of time commitments etc etc however i do occasionlly pop in and out to see whats going on. it does not state anywhere that the standard of work submitted for critique or otherwise has to be of an exceptional standard. I would guess that a very broad range of people use this site not only for learning but for a social outlet from Pro’s to Beginners to Students etc. Therefore its unfair/harsh to put foward a statement that doesnt carry any content as to why its makes a “Bad Shot” If you had given a reasonable arguement to justify your comments it would make youre words credible. As your first post, its a lame effort! Looking foward to seeing youre work soon.

    What might work for me would be a panel of images from the same concept,just my tupence..


    Anyone who registers just to rock the boat isn’t worth the effort people.

    Jess, as a parent I shall decide what is and isn’t appropriate for my child. I didn’t agree with the Badger Baiting thread, but I did recognize it as a satire based on another thread. Thanks for understanding.


    Just made an observation is all….

    Also just remembered why I don’t normally get involved in things like this.


    Well… please feel free then to tell everyone at what stage and how I contributed to the Badger Baiting thread so that everything is put into context…


    Take it easy nfl, I think you know I was not making an attack at you personally. Said I was sorry.


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