Need your opinion on this, honest – don’t hold back! I’ve been staring at the screen looking at this and still not sure if negatives outweigh positives enough for the album. None of the other photos were processed like this (yet perhaps).
If it were my image it would be in black & white straight away. I don’t care about the bright left hand side, it’s all about the emotion, and there’s bags of it in her eyes. Lovely image…best wedding shot I’ve seen on here.
Cheers Mark! I’ve converted it to B&W and it works really well, think I will go with that. Not bothered at all by the blown parts, lots of the photos from the day were like this as it was a very sunny day. I’ll post some more pics from this wedding soon.
Initial response is cracking shot…..
Then you think, why is she not giving this look to her husband rather than us, the viewer……
The natural thing for the groom to do would be to pull her closer so his hand should be on her hip rather than still in his pocket.
It’s great to be able to see these things after the event and even easier to criticize them too.
I bet the couple loved the shot and at the end of the day it’s what they like that matters.
It’s not broke so why try to fix it….. :wink: